Need to Notify Your Creditors? Without Talking to Them?
Corporate Sunsetting has launched a new Electronic Creditor Notification service. Just tell us who to notify, and boom – we officially notify them that the company has been sold and that you are no longer the appropriate contact. You can even select the notification template you want from a variety of choices (positive to neutral to downright snarky).
Continually working hard to make your transition easy…
Need to Let Regulators Know You’re Done? And Be Able to Prove It?
We have launched a service to do just that.
We are now offering our Certified Notifications service where you can let the IRS, your State Secretary of State, your Registered Agent, and others know via U.S. Certified Mail that the business has been sold. So you can make all those pesky regulatory and other notifications stop! You can even track your notifications’ delivery status & receipts in real time.
Need to prove you notified someone? We’ve got you.
On a mission to make your company’s shutdown even easier…
The Coming Wave...
Business cycles come & go. Following the explosive growth of startups in recent years, we’re now heading into a large wave of startup failures.
Others are seeing it as well:
We know how hard it is to shut down your company.
We’re here to help you move on cleanly and easily to your next endeavor.
From The Ashes...
Do you have a company you need to get rid of? One that has run its course? One that keeps accumulating liabilities, keeping you up at night?
We did.
We’re serial entrepreneurs and founders of multiple companies in Silicon Valley. Some did not succeed.
These failures were painful and they followed us for years. We discovered there was no easy way to cleanly exit. We constantly received a stream of threatening letters from creditors and investors. We used our networks to help employees find new positions, but they were still personal failures we internalized.
We’ve seen the same pattern with our friends - it’s certainly not unique. Our industry is focused on upward movement - the sky’s the limit. The full life-cycle is ignored. So, we set out determined to fix the problem.
The result is
The service is designed to absorb much of the pain by providing the most comprehensive end-of-life solution. We hope this helps you as much as it did us.
We’re encouraged by a number of corporate dissolution services springing to life – all trying to realize a fix to this problem: and to name a few promising entries. Their blogs echo similar experiences to our own – difficulty, time, emotion. We welcome additional competition in solving this difficult issue.
We look forward to your feedback.